Harder and more effective way to do simple Plank

Make personal training session and regular training more fun, I think we all need to challenge a bit more.  I will explain one way and you can use this method for other variations of plank. 

Normal Plank

normal plank

The spine is neutral, the torso is parallel to the ground and holding.   According to Google, the world record of plank hold is 9 hours and 30 minutes and 1 second.  I wonder if he wore a diaper to complete this challenge.  

You don’t need to hold that long. In fact, If you are able to plank for longer than 1 minute easily, you should try a different version to use your time efficiently.

Click here to learn common plank deviation.

Anyhow, I am going to explain how to make it harder.

Feet position

feet close

Feet close to each other.  This is simple but this way, you have less base of support. 

Imagine this is the bridge and has 4 points base versus 3 points base.  Obviously 4 point base is stronger to support the whole bridge. The same goes to the human body.

Tuck you Hip

tilting hip inward

Tucking a hip in so you are almost like doing crunch position there.  In this way, your rectus abdominis (six pack muscle) has to work harder.

Squeeze In

squeeze your body in

The arrows in the picture shows that your body squeeze in from elbows and feet.

You also want to tight your glutes, quadriceps femoris, chest muscle, then holding the position.  It is almost like you would feel the whole body is working.

You can also check here and try other ab workout

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