In the intricate system of our bodies, known as the kinetic chain, the position of the subtalar joint can significantly influence the alignment of the tibia and femur. When the subtalar joint pronates, it often leads to internal rotation of the tibia and slight internal rotation of the femur. This blog post delves into the issue of pronated feet, discussing its implications and exploring exercises to address this concern.
Understanding the Issue of Pronated Feet

Subtalar joint pronation not only affects the alignment of the lower limb bones but also brings about additional stresses and potential injury risks. This section explains how foot pronation forces internal rotation at the tibia, flexion at the knee, hip flexion, and internal rotation during weight-bearing.
Moreover, the collapse of the knees inward can strain certain knee ligaments and compromise the joint’s integrity, leading to ambulation-related injuries.
Furthermore, the interplay between foot pronation and internal femoral rotation can cause an anterior pelvic tilt, resulting in increased lumbar lordosis.
Exercises to Address Foot Pronation
To mitigate the effects of foot pronation and promote proper alignment, various exercises and techniques can be employed. This section highlights a few recommended exercises:
Mobility Work for Ankle Dorsiflexion
Improving ankle mobility is crucial in correcting foot pronation. One effective exercise involves standing in a split stance in front of a wall. The foot to be worked on is positioned a few inches away from the wall, while the hands are placed on the wall for support. The goal is to move forward, ensuring that the knee touches the wall while keeping the heel on the floor throughout the movement. As ankle mobility improves, gradually increase the distance between the working foot and the wall.
Foam Rolling on Gastrocnemius and Soleus
Self-massage using a foam roller can help alleviate tightness in the calf muscles. Since the gastrocnemius has two sides, it’s essential to roll both the right and left sides to ensure balanced muscle release.
Learn Foot Arching
During exercises such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts, consciously engage the foot by squeezing the ground as if grasping it. This action helps prevent foot pronation by activating the foot’s arches and promoting stability.
Understanding the impact of foot pronation on the kinetic chain is crucial for maintaining proper alignment and preventing injuries. By implementing exercises that enhance ankle mobility, foam rolling to release tension in the calf muscles, and learning to engage the foot’s arches during movements, individuals can effectively address foot pronation and promote optimal alignment throughout the kinetic chain.
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