Happy New Year! Personal Training in 2023

I have been working as a personal trainer for almost 7 years and for the last 4 years, I have been working on my own located in Kitsilano Vancouver.    ( the gym for only personal training )

Here is a list of what you can expect from me.

  • Core training – ultimately prevent low back pain
  • Weight loss program
  • Corrective exercises and postural assessment

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Correcting Kyphosis: Strengthen Your Posture with Personal Training

strengthen back muscles

Postural deviations, including kyphosis, can have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being. While some postural deviations are structural and may not respond to corrective exercise, many can be prevented or improved through targeted interventions.

If you’re looking to take action and improve your posture, engaging a personal trainer can provide valuable guidance and support.

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