The Impact of Core Training on Athletic Performance and Muscular Activity

In the realm of competitive sports, the quest to enhance athletes’ performance remains a focal point of numerous studies. While core training has gained prominence in daily fitness routines, rehabilitation, and more recently, in competitive sports, its influence on sport-specific performance remains a subject of debate. Two studies, one delving into the impact of core training on athletic performance and another examining the engagement of key core muscles during exercises, bring insightful perspectives to this discourse.

Influence of Core Training on Athletic Performance

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The initial study sought to evaluate the effect of core training on sport-specific performance among athletes. The meta-analysis observed that core training exhibited minimal influence on athletes’ power and speed, with agility showing a moderate effect size yet lacking statistical significance.

Conversely, a substantial effect was noted in core endurance and balance, implying a notable enhancement in these areas. However, the findings suggested that core training had limited impact on sport-specific performance. This outcome underscores the necessity for more nuanced and comprehensive core training programs tailored to elevate athletes’ sport-specific capabilities.

Engaging Core Muscles during Exercises

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The second study undertook a comprehensive exploration of the activation of six primary core muscles during various exercises. Uncovering that the Rectus Abdominis, External Oblique, and Erector Spinae showed maximal activity during free-weight exercises, it delineated the Internal Oblique and Lumbar Multifidus’s activation during core stability and traditional exercises, respectively. However, insufficient research on the Transversus Abdominis and variances in measurement methods present crucial limitations, calling for further in-depth investigations to discern the role of these muscles in core exercises more accurately.

Conclusion and Implications

Both studies contribute valuable insights, emphasizing the influence of core training on athletic performance and the engagement of key core muscles during exercises. The studies collectively indicate a need for more precise and targeted core training programs that can enhance athletes’ sport-specific abilities while calling for further exploration to better comprehend the role and engagement of all core muscles during exercise.


These studies provide a foundational understanding, shedding light on the role of core training in athletic performance and the activation of key core muscles during exercises. They pave the way for more targeted training approaches to elevate athletes’ sports performance while underscoring the significance of further research to unravel the intricacies of core muscle engagement during exercise routines.

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